We have we been?
// News at April 27, 2002 By:
Sparky @ 7:15PM
Hey, where have we been? Well I haven't been doing anything I just forgot about this site for a bit, and Choas has full episodes, he'll upload them soon if he can find a place to upload them. I'll work on some content now and then and then sometimes I'll just have a huge portion of the day to work on it, sometimes I won't for a week :(, who knows.
// News at April 20, 2002 By:
Sparky @ 8:14PM
Sup, today and tommorow I'll try to either attempt to finish off the Dragon Ball section or get really close too and I'll try to start the Cowboy Bebop section or Tenchi or Trigun. I'm trying to get a message board and maybe a domain name, I'm just broke :).
// News at April 19, 2002 By:
Chaos @ 1:33AM
I just got some more DB info up its looking pretty good so far, I have a lot more to add though...anyway it looks as if my DSL isnt coming today ill check the mail tommorow to if it comes. As soon as I get it expect to see lots of media. We also need some more staff to help us with this anime stuff cause just me and spark arent cutting it. If you are interested in helping us just email me or catch me on aim.
Was up
// News at April 19, 2002 By:
Chaos @ 2:13PM
Hey was up im currently working on the Yu Yu Hakusho section on the bios they should be finished soon we are working on getting full eps and all that but im waiing for my dsl to come so it might take a couple days. Im also going to get a shit load of DBZ info up today so be sure to check that out whenever I start on it.
to Anime Specter // News at April 18, 2002 By:
Sparky @ 7:48PM
We finally have all the SSI up and the layouts finished, we will start to work on content now. Me and Chaos need some more staff though to help on the content. The main jobs that are open are graphix guy, and a person who can provide information for many animes, we can use many of these people :). Also we need affiliates so just e-mail me or Chaos to apply if you want to.
to Anime Specter // News at April 16, 2002 By:
Sparky @ 6:09PM
I know none of you are reading this right now because we haven't
opened the site yet but I'm just putting it up here to see if the
scrolling thing we will because this is only the second time I've
used it.
to Anime Specter // News at April 16, 2002 By:
Sparky @ 6:09PM
I'm just testing everything right now, all the content will be
up soon!