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Dragon Ball Z Summary
Raditz Saga
After a little happiness at Planet Earth, Goku's evil brother Raditz came to see why Goku hadn't fulfilled his quest to destroy earth. So Raditz came down and kidnapped Gohan for a trap to get Goku to come to him. So Goku teamed up with his arch-rival and they both did a huntdown for Raditz. When they found him they fought they both had there up and downs but at the end Goku and Raditz died because Gohan got so enraged of seeing his father get beat-up so he blasted a whole through Raditz' armor and Goku grabbed him and Piccolo shot a whole through both of them using his newly learned technique the menkinsopu. So Piccolo took Gohan to a desertly place and they trained to see if Gohan really had a hidden power.

Saiyan Saga
Later everyone was informed that other saiyans were coming to earth that were much stronger then Raditz in every way possible. And with Goku dead they had to train extra hard because they knew Goku wouldn't be there to back them up if they all died. So as everyone trained Goku got special training from the master King-Kai. He taught him the kaio-ken technique before he left and when he did he was right on time before Piccolo dissapeared into another demension but

everyone else was dead including Yamcha, Tein, and Chao-Szu. Gohan was so afraid and Krillin was unconscience but Goku gave them all a senzu-bean and they felt better. So Goku easily took out Nappa the one that destroyed everyone else and he took on the other saiyan Vegeta. So they all went somewhere else where nobody would get hurt. Vegeta soon got so mad that he used his little trick and shot a fake moon in the air and turned into the Ape Oozaru. Goku got so trashed that he had a little energy left to give to Krillin to throw at Vegeta, it missed and headed right toward Gohan. He bounced it back with all his might and it his Vegeta who was so injured that had to return to his Planet Namek where the next adventure begins.

Frieza Saga
Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan decide to go to Planet Namek finding out that there were also Dragon Balls there and a different dragon. So they started there adventure there running into problems but finally got there. While they were discover new adventures, collecting Dragon Balls, and wondering around Goku was in the hospital recovering from his wounds after the fight with Vegeta. He soon snuck out and got into a space capsule of himself with a machine to let him train while on the way to Namek. While he was going through space he was inside training at different gravity weights and just getting stronger. When he finally arrived Vegeta had already took out 3 enemies, Kiwi, Zarbon, Dodaria, and some of the ginyu. Goku arrived at time to hurt the last 4 members of the ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoom, and Captain Ginyu. Though the captain took Goku's body and used it to trick he friends! After Goku recovering his body back and going into a healing chamber Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta found Frieza the strongest force in the universe and they started the battle. Frieza had to go into his second form, then third form, then finally his fourth form to become invicible against everyone there. When Goku finally got out Vegeta was already dead but before he did Vegeta told Goku a little story. Goku and Frieza faced off but finally Frieza destroyed Krillin and Goku got so mad that he turned Super Saiyan. Goku was easily more powerful then Frieza who decided to plant a ball thing in the Planet Namek's core and it was going to explode! So Frieza shot 2 destructo discs and Goku that followed him around but Goku tricked them to go to Frieza and cut in two pieces and with the little energy that Goku gave frieza she decided to use it and shoot a beam at Goku which he easily shot back at and desolved Frieza into nothing but a head and a little of his shoulder. So Goku got off the planet before it exploded and set the courses of his space ship randomly and went off.

Trunks Saga
After Garlic's death Frieza as a new robot decided to set the course for earth. She had new enhancements and everything, she was stronger then ever! When they finally arrived at Earth they were interrupted by some strange person. He turned into Super Saiyan and killed all the goons, slice Frieza into 2 and killed her father. The strange person announced his name as Trunks when Goku finally arrived back at earth. He told all about what was going to happen and about the Andriods and gave Goku pills to stop him from dying. Piccolo heard it all and told everyone so they all decided to meet back at this spot in three whole years.

Andriod Saga
3 years later after the death of Frieza and Trunks' announcement all the z fighters meet back at the spot they planned. They saw Andriod 19 and 20 and Goku faced off against 19 first. He turned Super Saiyan and easily trashed 19 until his heart attack started and Yamcha had to bring him back to his house and give him the pills. Vegeta arrived right before Yamcha took Goku and suddenly turned Super Saiyan to everyone's surprise. He fought against 19 and blew his head off soon, then 20 got really scared and ran off. Vegeta and everyone else flew after him trying to find him, and when they found him Piccolo wanted to try and fight. So Piccolo was easily much stronger then him and made him run again but this time to his lab to release the ultimate Andriods 17 and 18. The z warriors tried to find him but couldn't when they did the Andriods were already released and they killed 20 (Dr. Gero). So 17 and 18 then released another andriod, 16 who was stronger then both of them but his mission was too kill Goku. So they picked up cars and started searching since 17 wanted to see the sights they didn't fly. Soon they encountered the ready Vegeta. Vegeta got squashed by his challenger, Andriod 18. Soon everyone else arrived and tried to fight 18 also but 17 stopped them and the only not to particapate was Krillin because he was chicken. So when everyone was hurt on the ground including Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, Tien, and Vegeta 18 came up and gave Krillin a kiss and told him to give everyone a senzu-bean. So the andriods started off again and everyone got up. Vegeta went to go train, Piccolo went to do something personal which was fusing with Kami, and everyone else went to see Goku. On the way Bulma sent a fax through to Trunks to tell him another space pot had arrived, everyone wondered was in it, it was Cell! And he was on a rampage sucking up people through his tail and Kami wanted to see how things would turn out before he actaully fused with Piccolo!

Cell Saga
While Piccollo was awaiting Kame's answer another villian by the name of Cell, arrived in what seemed to be Trunk's time capsule. Piccollo finally arrived and seemed to be stronger then Cell so Cell fled and started feeding on weaker people in towns. Soon after he was done, he started hunting for the andriods to become the perfect being. Piccollo was fighing 17 and seemed to have the upper hand when Cell arrived and sucked up 17. He become Cell Form 2. Tien then tried to stop him for enough time for 18 to get away. She hesitated and wanted 16 to come along but since 16 had a big gash in his head because of fighting he couldn't fly. While Tiens stull batting at Cell trying to get him to stay 16 and 18 fly off. Finally Tien gives up and falls to floor Cell takes advantage and kicks him. Goku suddenly then appears and saves but Tien and, Piccollo. Piccollo was at the shore and was still alive, he takes both of them to Kami's Lookout and gives them both a Senzu Bean. Krillin then finds Bulma, but Baby Trunks spots Krillin first. Bulma gives the remote to Krillin and now Krillin has to hunt down 18 so he can turn her off. He has to within 10 meters though. Trunks and Vegeta finally come out of the Time Chamber and seems that both of them are older and much stronger. Vegeta acting as if he had assended to the next level and was all comifedent that he was strong enough to sqaush Cell. As Cell's still on his journey to find 18 he finds a chain of islands and 18s on one of them. He started blowing the Islands up trying to find her. Meanwhile Gohan wants to go into the Chamber to trane but Goku's hungry. So he eats and they finally go into the chamber. Vegeta finds Cell and they start battling. Vegeta then beats up Cell like HELL! Cell has no chance, and when Vegeta announces that his Super Vegeta, looks like Cell has an accident somewhere. So while Vegeta is kicking Cell ass, Gohan and Goku and training. Gohan's so determined to turn Super Saiyen and help his friend that his training as hard as he can when that's not the way to transform. So Goku ask Gohan to imagine that Cell was killing all his friends, Gohan's never seen Cell, then Goku asked him in imagine Frieza's killing all of his friends. So Gohan's rembembering when Frieza killed Denda, Piccollo, Krillin and the Planet Namek. He saw his dad in fire and flames on the planet right about to explode. Then Gohan's hair turns bright gold for almost 5 seconds, he turned Super Saiyen! He then turns back and faints, he can't handle it. Meanwhile Vegeta gets Cell into a tight spot where then he tells Cell that Trunks his much stronger then Cell is but not as strong as him, Vegeta. Cell's hell of mad so he keeps on asking how he got this tremandous power. So since Cell can't beat Vegeta, he aims toward his weak point. Since Cell is no match for Vegeta which is bored Cell tells Vegeta that he promises that he'll be a good match if he absorbed 18. So Vegeta, after a little while agrees. While Cell's trying to find 18, Trunks stops him and beats him up for a while until Vegeta gets annoyed and kicks him. Then Trunks blasts him back enough time to beat Cell up again. Soon Cell gets 18 and turns complete. Krillin and Trunks start trying to beat him up but can't scatch him not even a disctruco-disk in the neck hurts him. Cell then kicks Krillin and he falls to the ground. Then Vegeta and Cell start fighting, while they are Super Saiyan Gohan and his dad are training and Trunks gives a senzu bean to Krillin. Soon Vegeta finds out his no match for Cell but keeps on fighting, while there fighting Trunks tells Krillin that he surpassed his father's powers but can't fight because he know his dad will hate him even more if you joins in. So Cell later totally trashed up Vegeta and Krillin had to bring him to a island to give him a senzu-bean. So Trunks stepped in and powered up, he and Cell faced off and it showed that Trunks' new form was just too slow so he gave up. Cell told him that he would hold a Cell Game and it would start in 10 days so everyone that wanted to fight meet and the ring he made in 10 days. So Trunks told everyone and they were all amazed so they all started training and Goku got better!

Cell Game
10 days later everyone meets at the ring of Cell. All the losers fight first like the power levels below 100. They easily get beat and then Goku come up to fight and they have a intense fight but Goku gives up because Cell's just too strong. Gohan then gets voted to fight with Cell by Goku. Gohan then tells Cell about if he gets angry he'll turn stronger then ever. So Cell trys everything he can to get Gohan mad then he steps on Andriod 16's head and that turns Gohan into level 2 of a Super Saiyan. Cell stands no chance against this form so Cell decides to expload himself but Gohan teleports himself to King Kai's planet and blows up the planet. Cell finds out that his Cells can reproduce back to his normal state but much stronger. So when he exploads one Cell is left and that makes him regrow himself so he teleports back to earth and kills Trunks. Gohan and Cell have a big beam fight but Gohan's kamahameha finally won and blew Cell into smitherans with no cells left to regenerate himself. So after everyone summoned the eternal dragon and wished everyone that died back and also wished for the bombs to go out of the andriods.

Buu Saga
7 years after the Cell Game everyone enters the Tenkaichu-Boudoukai and Goku gets life for a day to meet everyone again. At the tournement they find out that theres someone evil taking slaves so he can get revived, Buu. So Vegeta finds out that he can get stronger by doing this so he joins and becomes Majin Vegeta and now he can turn Super Saiyan 2! So Majin Vegeta and Goku face off and Goku gets Vegeta to turn back. So Goku with only a little more time left on earth shows Goten and Trunks how to fuse and they get trained by Piccolo and go into battle and fuse into Gotenks. Gotenks is beating Buu when he goes from Super Saiyan 1 all the way to form 3 but get's foolish and gets absorbed which makes him much stronger. Then Piccolo also gets absorbed and Dia Kaoiusin sacrifices his life to make Goku alive. So Goku gets the potora earrings so the fusion will last longer then 30 minutes and teleports back into battle. Goku throws Gohan a earring but Gohan gets absorbed when he drops it, the Vegeta comes in and they both fuse into Vegitto. Vegitto purposely gets absorbed by Buu to rescue all his friends, with all the energy that Buu just lost he self-destructs earth. Everyone gets teleported to another planet and Buu also teleports there, they fight there. Vegeta jumps in the battle to give Goku enough time to use his Genki-Dama and gets a ton of energy for it. While he's powering up they wish with the dragon balls from namek for earth to come back and then wish once Goku has used up all his energy and thrown it for all his energy to come back. So Buu can't block the Genki-Dama anymore and soon dies. Buu's twin gets revived and then called Uboo and him and Goku go off to train. That concludes the Dragon Ball Z series.